
I'm a genius!

I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius! I'm a genius!

I'm a genius!

Just so you know.

According to the MENSA Intelligence Test anyone who scores 19 or above on the test is a genius. Which is exactly what I have done. So, therefore I'm entitled to call myself genius.

I'd prefer if anyone who reads this post and talks to me or writes me an email henceforth call me "The Genius". Otherwise I might not respond.

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